November 2024

There are so many ways to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. We are here because faithful people shared the faith with us, encouraged us, invested in us, and prayed for us. We are all profoundly blessed and grateful to be serving the church; let’s be sure to thank and encourage one another.

Christian ministry is not easy; nothing worth doing is easy. But we need to remember that it’s not about us, but about what God can do through us. Especially in our weakness, God’s grace and strength is evident. Our primary task is to remain faithful to God and the calling that he’s given to us.

Remember that we are not alone. We stand on the shoulders of so many saints, ancient and contemporary, who have helped clear the way for what we’re doing now. And remember how good and faithful our God is, even when we feel wasted and worn. We are not here by accident; we responded to something real and beautiful and true: the love of Jesus Christ made evident on the cross. Our first love. And we have the amazing joy and grace to share that with others.

Some of you may be feeling great; on fire, happy and joyful. Others may be feeling low, burned out, and discouraged. Faithful people have been there, too, wanting to give up but going forward nevertheless. Don’t forget that, in those times of testing, God will not abandon you.

We are all very different, and we do not all agree on everything. That has been true from the very beginning of the church, and throughout our history. However, many important things we share. We acknowledge our dependency on the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit inspires us to share that grace with others. There’s so much we don’t know, that we must learn from God and one another, but we are united in our desire to see God honored and glorified in all the world.

Bless you, for the work you have done, are doing, and will do. Thank you for listening, and I pray you will continue to hear God’s voice, know Christ’s love, and follow the Spirit’s calling in your lives.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Matthew


December 2024


October 2024