God is in charge. God created the world and pronounced it good. God is still working for good, despite the spiritual and moral chaos that has entered the world since then. If you trust Him, God can redeem whatever has gone wrong in your life.
Jesus Christ is the key. Look at Christ and you see who God is. He loves without measure. He promises his followers an abundant life. He dies and rises again, bringing hope for this life and forever.
The Holy Spirit opens the door. Knowledge about God is good; knowing God in a personal way is even better. The Holy Spirit introduces us to God, bringing His presence into our lives. The result is love, joy and peace beyond what is humanly possible.
Salvation is free. No amount of human effort can repair your relationship with God. Salvation is not an achievement but a gift. Getting to heaven does not require climbing a spiritual ladder, but trusting that God has already made the way through Jesus Christ.
Life-long learning. Christianity is a way of life, and Christians are life-long learners. Faith grows through practice. Worshiping, praying, serving others, reading the Bible...are all important ways to deepen and strengthen our ties to God.
Mission is important to Presbyterians. We emphasize living out our faith in service to others. Wherever our missionaries have gone throughout the world, we have not only brought the gospel, but also medical care, schools, and economic assistance.
Ministry to the whole person is not confined to overseas. Presbyterians are active in serving our own communities, as well. In our town, for example, Presbyterians are active in service in a number of ways, including the Food Bank, Peace Meals, and the Haven shelter for those experiencing homelessness, among others.
Presbyterians are non-judgmental. We accept people as they are, without labeling them. Christ set the example by reaching out to the misfits and outcasts of society. We seek to relate to people with compassion and understanding.
Presbyterians rely on scripture for daily spiritual nurturing as well as for defining our beliefs. The Bible is a comforting companion and a trustworthy guide. We take our questions about faith to the Bible and listen objectively to what the scripture has to say.
The Presbyterian Church has a solid heritage. Our roots go back to the Protestant Reformation that began over four centuries ago. The principles that inspired that movement continue to influence how we worship, what we believe, and how we organize and govern our churches today.
What are our members saying about First Presbyterian Church?
"What I like best about First Presbyterian Church are the sermons, music, family atmosphere and the desire to strengthen our church family."
"FPC is a fellowship of believers with whom I pray, worship, learn, serve, laugh, and cry."
First Presbyterian Church (FPC) was born on June 27, 1858 with a grand total of ten members. Today FPC is home to about 140 members. FPC has had three homes: 21st Street and Prairie Avenue (1864-1903), 2201 Western Avenue (1903-1972), 10 Charleston Avenue (1972-today). The gym and youth center were added in 1987.
Throughout our history, Presbyterians have been actively involved in meeting needs in the community and through out the world. In recent years, FPC members have dug wells in Africa, built a school in Central America, and re-built homes for flood victims in Cedar Rapids and Nashville. Closer to home, FPC members worked to refurbish the Titus Home in Sullivan, established a mentoring program at Riddle Elementary School, provided support for Kemmerer Village, as well as helping as staff and volunteers for the Mattoon Food Pantry and Heartland Christian Village.
Our aim at FPC is to live out the Good News of Jesus Christ and bring that Good News to the world. We discover new dimensions to God's love as we study the Scriptures and reach out in service to others. The faith that has sustained FPC members for over 150 years is the same faith we bring to the challenges and callings of today. FPC can provide your family with a sturdy foundation of faith from which to learn and serve and grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.