July 2023
In order for me to get out of my selfish little prison and into God’s bigger kingdom, I find it necessary to invite God’s Holy Spirit into my life daily. Such daily prayers sound something like this: “Please, Lord, breathe your life, spirit, and attitude into me today. I am completely dependent on you, and profoundly grateful for the overflowing mercy you have shown to me, an undeserving sinner. Please empower me to obey your word today with joy, and make me a gift to others.”
My name, Matthew, is a beautiful reminder of my purpose, for it means “gift of God.” I am to be a gift from God for the good of others. But on my own, I am profoundly weak and broken. Timid, frightened, selfish, proud, and prone to burn-out, I find it difficult to leave my comfort zones. I am terrified of letting people down while at the same time scared to death to reach out. In this state of captivity to sin, I am not much of a gift to anyone.
Here’s the good news, though: Jesus came into the world to save us, and I am so grateful that, in his mercy, he rescued me too. Having come to believe that Jesus has pardoned all my sins because of his gracious love, I trust that I am made right with God, and in fact set free from bondage. This has nothing to do with my worthiness, and everything to do with God’s love. Jesus’ presence in my life brings about a spirit marked by gratitude, humility, kindness, and obedience.
Gratitude fills me when I recognize that every good thing around me comes to me (and to everyone) as a free gift from God, and an expression of his beauty. The best gift of all is friendship with God through Jesus Christ, my Savior, whose spirit is alive within me.
Humility is also freeing, because the ego is a cruel and anxious little monster that needs to control things and make everything about itself. A Christ-inspired focus on other people’s needs instead of my own is so much more fulfilling than trying to impress them or pretending to be someone I’m not. Honesty before God is much less exhausting.
Kindness is recognizing that we humans are ALL in the same boat, which inspires compassion for others just as I have compassion for myself and those closest to me. Who is my sister or brother or neighbor? EVERYONE. And how I treat them is a direct reflection of how I am treating Jesus; a reflection of what my relationship with God is really like. It is hypocrisy for a person to claim they are good at loving God if they’re not good at loving people.
Obedience is a gift, because we have been given God’s Word as a faithful guide for right living. No, we cannot keep it perfectly, but it brings us to our senses. God’s word brings us to repentance and to reliance on grace day after day after day. No, I am not perfect. God’s Word reminds me of that. But by God’s Spirit, we have a new power: the power to please God in joyful obedience.
I pray that God will increase in each of us the presence of his Holy Spirit, evidenced through genuine gratitude, humility, kindness, and obedience. There is no law against such things, and they are remarkably refreshing.
Have a lovely summer, church! Please tell me how I can walk beside you as together we seek to follow the Lord Jesus.
Yours in Christ’s love,
Pastor Matthew