May 2024

“[I] had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view. Looking back, I see the lead of love.”

-“Lead of Love” by Caedmon’s Call

Recently, while cleaning out the basement, I came across some old memorabilia and photographs from years past. A lot of it was, as the kids today might say, very “cringe.” There were comics I had drawn that were more terrible than funny (a series of derivative “Garfield” style books), some old grade school stories (oof), original songs my friend Tim and I created on an electronic keyboard (recorded on cassette!), and some old messages written on the back of photographs from friends and acquaintances. Although a lot of the items brought back fond memories, some brought back painful regrets. Lord, have mercy on those people who had to put up with me (and especially on those who still do)!

As I write this monthly newsletter article, I am listening to a Christian band (Caedmon’s Call) singing about this very thing: how our failures bring humility, and how they also demonstrate God’s grace in bringing us through the rocky times (many of our own making) to see some of God’s plan. Our forebears in faith also had plenty of “cringe” moments. I joke with my contemporaries and elders how grateful we must be that there was no Facebook or YouTube when we was in high school. But poor Peter: some of his mistakes are recorded for all time in the Bible! And yet those mistakes became powerful tools of transformation in the hands of our loving heavenly father.

There are times for looking back and learning from our mistakes. I look back at the things that distracted me; all the idols I chased after instead of Jesus (and some idols that still tempt me). But let us not get stuck in the shame, for the blood of Jesus covers and transforms us into people filled with grace and humility. Let us not forget the most important lesson: that our help and salvation comes from God, who can take our broken lives and make them into beautiful songs of praise.

God, thank you so much for never giving up on me or on us. Continue to make things right, by the power of your Holy Spirit. May we learn from our checkered pasts, and have renewed hope in your future. This we pray in the name of Jesus.

In Christ’s grip,

Pastor Matthew


April 2024